Thursday, July 17, 2008

As Sharon said we are sooooo excited to be heading out to California!! We have so much work to do and I am thrilled for her and the kids to finally meet Elijah. We are no strangers to travel, Athena and I, but it will be a new adventure with Elijah in tow as well. As we were discussing the other day our products will be unique since Sharon and I, though similar in taste these days, were raised in radically different parts of the world with totally different career backgrounds. I think this shows in our product lines and makes each clip/bow that more eye catching. I hope you will enjoy reading about our journeys as much as the latest update on Pixie Bows. It is our individual journeys through life as well as our journey together since our friendship began in 2004 that truly are the heart of Pixie Bows. As you read you will see our love for children, travel, crazy adventures and how this all somehow comes back to bows!

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