What a wonderful and overwhelming amount of support we have got for our launch! The orders have started coming in and we are excited about a few marketing opportunities that have already come our way.
We will be working on the coupon for the 25% off tonight so if you have already signed up then keep your eyes open, if you have not signed up yet for Pixie News then pop over to
www.pixiebows.com and at the bottom you can still sign up, that way you can save 25% off your first order and will continue to get great offers and deals from us.
We have also started to get request from some people who would like to see certain products, if there is anything you feel is missing please feel free to email me as we are always looking at ways to grow and improve. We will be adding and revamping every month so there will always be fresh and new things to come back for.
Thank you all again for your support, what a wonderful feeling xxx