Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I have not forgotten!!

I know I said that there would be another give-away a while back! I really don't have much of an excuse other than this Time Change has kicked me in the butt. I am walking around like a zombie these days, it is a cruel trick to play on parents, my soon to be four year old twins do not understand that they MUST sleep in an extra hour.

So that excuse aside I decide tonight was the night I was going to sit down and get the Give Away posted. I really had great intentions until the battery died in my camera as I was trying to get a great shot. So off to the battery draw I went only to find that my children have scavenged all the batteries and I am left with a draw of dead ones.

SO I promise it will be up soon. It will be a Christmas Give-away so you can have cute hair clips for the season! Thanks for your patients!

PS. the website is looking great! Paul is working crazy hours but he is a perfectionist so every little detail is fine tuned - I cannot wait to launch it although it might be later than planned due to his perfectionism

About Pixie Bows